Somewhere in Time Unlimited Presents:

Walking Skirt Workshop
"How to sew a walking skirt"
April 4, 2009

Members of Somewhere in Time, Unlimited gathered together for a hands-on workshop to put together a walking skirt in time to attend the Spring Event in La Conner called "The Quilted Tulip".

Below you will find a few of the photos taken of the participants and the instructor of this workshop, "Miss Bobbie".

Setting up - Few things
you need to remember...
Tuck your hair out of
the way, or you'll snip it!
Paying close attention.
Good to have a daughter along!
Miss Sharon brought her Victorian bustle for us to see.
Wow!  That's a lot of eyelet you've sewn!
"Miss Bobbie" does a
pattern fitting.
"What do you think?
Is it long enough?"
"Oh I hope, I hope!!!!"
(Miss Bobbie checks handiwork.)
We make pattern
adjustments like this.
Pattern was lengthen for
a tall young woman.
"Miss Bobbie" gives
excellent ironing instructions.
Adjustments made, sew!!! What to do with used needles.
"Here's how to make notations"
Miss Judy looks up from
her own pattern adjustments.
All this sewing is hard work, especially schlepping the machine.
Here are two new members to SITU.  One is a Scandinavian folk dancer who enjoys costuming with us, the other is a steam-punk enthusiast who is creating a crisp skirt from her striped fabric.
If you're interested in future workshops, check back often
to the website for upcoming dates, or contact
Miss Bobbie or Lady Victoria
with any questions you may have.

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Updated April 30, 2009