Somewhere in Time, Unlimited

Victorian Shooting
with the
Single Action Shooting Society


The members and friends of Somewhere in Time, Unlimited (a historical costuming group) agreed to meet up with two of the Single Action Shooting Society (SASS) members at the Renton Gun Club in Washington State.

SASS members traditionally are dressed in Victorian attire, reflecting 1880-1899.

The idea was to have the opportunity to learn more about their club, understand the process of shooting, and then be able to test the vintage looking firearms the two men had brought along.

So happened, this all took place on a Friday evening after work, on a very unusually sultry, hot day in the Pacific Northwest.

In the photo left, our merry group assembled near the entry of the gun club to don protective ear and eyewear...

SITU members came dressed in regular summer shorts and such, to combat the intense heat.  None of us wanted to come in full Victorian bustle attire this time.  Just imagine having to be in a corset and multiple layers of clothing!

Miss Bobbie and John already have their ear and eye protection in position.  They are looking forward to the evening.

Everyone is most excited!

Our friend, Bill, who came along with SITU, is a good  shot using his own gun.  It was going to be a challenge to him to use an array of single action firearms.

Here, Mark stands on the sidelines awaiting his turn.  We noted he was busy texting someone on his
not-so-Victorian cell phone...

"Grandpa" of the Renton United Cowboy Action Shooters (RUCAS), arrived with ammunition and a
big smile for us all.

Sir Harry of Essex steps up to the bench to begin his round.  Over his right shoulder, one can see our "coach" and instructor, "Jess Ducky" of RUCAS.

Presently, Sir Harry is using a pistol.  Up next this evening, would be a shot gun, then rifle.

Here is a short video of Sir Harry's efforts.

Lady Victoria was up last.  She stepped to the bench.  Jess Ducky sounded the starting horn.
Pa-ting!  Pa-ting!  Pa-ting!
Lady V got the hang of this whole shooting thing pretty quickly.

From somewhere in the gallery of on-lookers came,
"Better be careful Sir Harry.  She's a good shot!"

Thank you to Jess Ducky and Doc for their time, instruction, use of firearms and enthusiasm for a wonderful sport!  We enjoyed our time with you tremendously and hope to be back soon.
Thank you for visiting our website!!!
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please visit our homepage to view more images,
see our calendar of events, education, links, etc.
Updated January 10, 2011